القائمة الرئيسية


Crises... Facing the Niqāb (face veil) Wearers (1)


"Crises... Facing the Niqāb Wearers" will be a series of articles, insha'Allah, to address various issues that reach me on this matter.

"Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. For some time, I have come to see the Niqāb as obligatory and resolved in Ramadan not to go out without wearing it. I read the evidence, prayed Istikhara, and wore it in Ramadan. Initially, I found it neat and not an obstacle, but after wearing it for the second time, I felt it was very suffocating. By Allah’s grace, I do not suffer from any problems, but it suffocates me in terms of breathing, and it’s not summer yet. I see myself alone among my peers and do not find a righteous company that truly understands me, helps me, and brings me closer to Allah. Thus, I feel lonely, which makes me worried about retracting my decision and taking it off. I know obedience is difficult, and I do not want to take it off after taking this step, but as I said, it suffocates me, and I do not like how I look with it, and there is no one to support me. I need help on how to remain steadfast, and I fear greatly that I might remove it, although I feel very comfortable without it. Please advise me."

Wearing the Niqāb is a great act of worship, especially in our time, a time filled with confusion, lies, hypocrisy, and calls contrary to Sharia. It is a time full of trials!

Whoever endures the Niqāb will attain a great reward. As we mentioned before about the step of wearing the Niqāb, "the Niqāb is not an emotional marker."

Many girls approach the step of wearing the Niqāb emotionally. The feelings before that step are the excitement of wearing it without realizing the psychological, familial, and social confrontations that surround that step. We can summarize the commitment to wearing the Niqāb in the three levels of patience:

- Patience in obedience
- Patience in avoiding sins
- Patience in facing harm

The most important of all these is having good thoughts about Allah and sincerity in words and actions for Allah’s sake.

This is not to scare or discourage you, but to be aware of the reality. Those who did not prepare for these aspects religiously and psychologically and were ready to face them, took off the Niqāb at the first difficulty!

We have seen many leave the Niqāb due to family, social, or psychological pressures. Shayṭān (Satan) portrays that the Niqāb causes difficulty in breathing or skin problems, among other whisperings which they fall for due to a lack of spiritual and realistic preparedness!

From all this, we emphasize that wearing the Niqāb is not an emotional step but a struggle in an era dominated by secularism and feminism. We always remember the saying of the Prophet ﷺ: "There will come a time when holding onto one's religion will be like holding onto hot coals."

Regarding the issue of difficulty in breathing, these effects may occur initially, but the woman soon becomes accustomed to it and no longer feels what she used to. On the other hand, it is not necessary to cover the face with the Niqāb; anything that achieves covering is sufficient. A woman can wear something on her head and let it drape over her face to cover it. There are also many types of Niqāb fabrics, especially the light ones, and medical Niqāb. Alhamdulillah, we live in a time with many solutions, so why choose what makes us lose Allah's pleasure?

{O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful.} (Quran 3:200)

Another response to this point is that Shayṭān (Satan) puts ideas in a person's mind, making them feel suffocated and uncomfortable, and dispelling these thoughts is also a struggle.

Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

"If this is known, then Jihād (struggle) is of four types: Jihād against the self, Jihād against Shayṭān (Satan), Jihād against the disbelievers, and Jihād against the hypocrites.

Jihād against the self is also four 

The first: To strive to learn guidance and the true religion without which there is no success or happiness in this world or the hereafter. If one misses out on this knowledge, they will be miserable in both realms.

The second: To strive to act upon it after learning it; otherwise, mere knowledge without action will not benefit and may harm.

The third: To strive to call others to it, teach those who do not know it; otherwise, one would be among those who conceal what Allah has revealed of guidance and clear proofs. This knowledge will not benefit or save them from Allah's punishment.

The fourth: To strive to be patient in enduring the difficulties of calling to Allah and the harm from people, bearing all this for Allah’s sake.

When one completes these four levels, they become one of the Rabbaniyyīn (the pious scholars), for the Salaf (early scholars) unanimously agreed that a scholar does not deserve to be called Rabbani until they know the truth, act upon it, and teach it. Whoever knows, acts, and teaches, will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens.

As for Jihād against Shayṭān, it is two levels:

The first: To strive to repel what he throws at the servant of doubts and corrupt desires that undermine faith.

The second: To strive to repel what he throws at the servant of corrupt intentions and desires.

The first struggle results in certainty, and the second results in patience. Allah says: {And We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when they were patient and [when] they were certain of Our signs.} (Quran 32:24). He mentioned that leadership in religion is attained through patience and certainty. Patience repels desires and corrupt intentions, and certainty repels doubts and suspicions.

[Zād al-Ma'ād (3/9-11)]

Remember, this noble religion was established on patience, perseverance, seeking reward, struggle, hardship, and trials. Be patient as the Prophet ﷺ and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them) were!

We need to learn honesty with Allah and train ourselves in patience and seeking reward!

None of the female companions said that covering their face caused them breathing difficulties or any other problem. On the contrary, what they faced was far too great for us to face!

Their patience was with the Book (Quran) and not with companions. The best and greatest company is the company of Allah! The company of Allah is the best comfort for those who remain steadfast.

Know, may Allah have mercy on you, that we are in a time of estrangement, a very severe time, and a time of injustice and oppression against modesty and righteousness. Remember, Allah’s reward is precious, and those who are stingy with themselves will not attain it. Do not care, be firm, and make your role models the Mothers of the Believers. It is enough honor that some of our sisters wore it in the midst of trials and the heart of the disbelieving West! They faced much harm; always remember that the reward is commensurate with the hardship!

Therefore, you need a company that helps you, and be patient with yourself along with those who remind you of Allah and help you stay steadfast, which is the "Quran."

Believe me, if you had a lot of company, you might not have attained this honor!

Surat an-Nahl (The Bee) opens with a prohibition against hastiness:

{The command of Allah is coming, so be not impatient for it. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him.} (Quran 16:1)

And ends with a command to be patient:

{And be patient, for your patience is not but through Allah...} (Quran 16:127)

Between calmness and patience lies a good that only Allah knows, so trust in Allah and do not despair.

Among the means to remain steadfast on the religion in times of trials:

- The greatest of which is to seek guidance to the straight path of Allah. This is what a Muslim says and prays for in every prayer (Guide us to the straight path). So, repeat it in your prayer with reflection, contemplation, and certainty in supplication and response!=

=- Steadfastness on the religion of Allah, not neglecting any part of it. (Allah keeps firm those who believe with the firm word in worldly life and the Hereafter) (Quran 14:27).

- Holding onto the Sunnah and frequent remembrance of Allah.

- Among the greatest means to protect oneself from falling into trials by Allah's permission:

- Patience on Allah’s command
- Seeking refuge in Allah from the apparent and hidden trials.
- Observing Allah’s presence and protection
- Associating with righteous believers and leaving the company of others who are afflicted by trials.

Among the greatest factors that help remain steadfast on the religion is avoiding exposure to trials and striving to avoid them by staying away from their causes. The heart remains clear, tasting the sweetness of faith.

We ask Allah for us and our Muslim brothers and sisters for steadfastness on His religion and protection from trials, both apparent and hidden.