القائمة الرئيسية


How Do I Overcome the Fear of Wearing the Niqāb and Feel Confident in Wearing It?


Reassurance comes with total submission and certainty that good lies in what Allah has chosen

If the Niqāb (face veil) were not good for women, Allah would not have prescribed it, nor would He have made it obligatory in His Book or the Sunnah of His Prophet

When you wear the niqāb, you make a significant step towards religious commitment and achieve something great that many women cannot endure.

Do not respond to the whispers and suggestions of Shayṭān (Satan) making you fear taking it off after wearing it. Be certain that Shayṭān is keen to turn you away from the path of guidance.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Indeed, Shayṭān has set upon the paths of the son of Ādam. He sat for him on the path of Islām, saying: 'Will you embrace Islām and leave your religion and the religion of your fathers?' Then he sat for him on the path of Hijrah (migration), saying: 'Will you migrate and leave your homeland?' Then he sat for him on the path of Jihād (fighting/striving in the way of Allah), saying: 'Will you fight and be killed, then your wife will be married and your wealth will be divided?' The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'Whoever does those, Allah guarantees him Paradise.'”

The niqāb does not cause problems; on the contrary, for anyone who says the niqāb causes skin problems, I say to her that niqāb fabrics come in various types and change, and it is not reasonable to say that all fabrics harm your skin

Similarly, for those who say they cannot breathe [while wearing the niqāb], we saw them endure wearing the face mask during the COVID-19 pandemic!

All these claims are from Shayṭān, cast into the mind of a Muslim woman to make her retreat from obeying her Lord.

The niqāb does not hinder marriage prospects, nor does it prevent daily life, nor cause health or physical problems!

On the contrary!

You must be patient in fulfilling Allah's command, for its outcome is Paradise. The world will soon pass away, and you will find your reward and recompense with Allah preserved. Know that wearing the niqāb is one of the means of drawing closer to Allah because it is an act of obedience, not the opposite.

 Beware of Shayṭān’s deception.

I would not be exaggerating if I said that the niqāb is one of the greatest means of attaining happiness in this world, as Allah has promised those who do righteous deeds a happy life. Allah Almighty said: “Whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer, We will surely grant them a good life” (Qur'an 16:97). If you are keen on complete happiness, be keen on obeying Allah and following His commands. This way, you will achieve true happiness, free from hardship and difficulty.

ʿĀ’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) described women, saying they became like crows, meaning that the women were all dressed in black when they obeyed their Lord in the verse of the Hijāb (veil). We encourage Muslim women and hope they join this righteous, pure group and place themselves among these pious women.

Because imitating them is success!

For those who claim the niqāb prevents marriage, we say that obeying Allah brings sustenance. Allah provides for a person due to their obedience, as He has told us in many places in His Book, and His Messenger (ﷺ) informed us of this.

How about a woman who covered her face?

She obeyed her Lord, faced her own desires, was patient in obedience, and avoided sin, and she was also patient with harm. By Allah, this is a blessing!

Her Rizq (sustenance) will be brought to her easily without her seeking it!

We must also mention that one of the greatest benefits of the niqāb is the respect of others for you, increasing your value in their hearts, and their certainty of your chastity, purity, and high status in faith.

Anything against the niqāb is only from the suggestions of Shayṭān to turn you away from this great act of obedience. He tries to frighten you from it and its effects and consequences.

=As Allah Almighty said: “It is only Shayṭān who frightens you of his supporters, so do not fear them; but fear Me, if you are [indeed] believers” (Qur'an 3:175).

We ask Allah, by His most beautiful names and exalted attributes, to guide you to this goodness, assist you in it, and make it beloved to you.